Shoyoroku - Case 93: Roso Does Not Understand Roso [1] asked Nansen, "'People do not recognize the Mani[2]-jewel. I picked it up myself in the Tathagata treasury.' [3] What is this treasury?" Nansen said, "Old Master O [4] exchanges questions and answers with you. That's it." Shiso said, "How about when there is no exchange of questions and answers?" Nansen said, "That's also the treasury." Shiso said, "What is the jewel?' Nansen said, "Reverend Shiso!" Shiso said, "Yes!" Nansen said, "Get out. You don't understand my words." [1]: Mistakenly the original text renders "Roso" (Nansen's elder brother in Dharma); in reality it should be "Shiso" (Nansen's student), as Nansen's question indicates. [2]: "Mani" in Sanskrit means "perfect freedom" ­ another name for Buddha nature. [3]: A quote from the famous Shodoka by Yoka Daishi. [4]: Nansen himself.